Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Reflection On Education

I have always learned so much in my classes in high school, which made me feel almost indifferent to learning new topics in school. However, there have been moments in my life that have moved me and made me learn something about myself, as well the type of person I am and the type of person others perceive me to be.
One day, while I was waiting to get picked up from school in my house's waiting area, a grade 9 student asked me for advice. I was surprised for a moment; I hadn't talked to this girl very much in the past and I wasn't sure how I could have helped her. The student began to ask me for my advice on Ridley life and expressed concerned for her friend who she was worried about. I gave my advice and the student was very appreciative and thankful. That moment showed me that younger students may think of me as a role model or even an older sister that they can rely on, and I learned to make myself more open and friendly so that more people would feel comfortable to ask me for my advice.
Just yesterday, I was volunteering at Mainstream Outreach, a place for developmentally challenged adults to learn and grow. A regular member of Mainstream who had never shown much interest in anything before came up to me, extended his hand, and said, "Hi Shay". This moment was so small, yet so significant to me as I realized that my work at Mainstream doesn't go unnoticed and that the developmentally challenged adults really do notice and appreciate my efforts.

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