Monday, 22 April 2013

I Write To...

I write to think. If there is something on my mind that is stressing me out, I write about it to calm myself down. Writing helps me think rationally about a problem I may be facing. When I write about something that is bothering me, I am able to think about it in a different way. Seeing something written on paper or on a Word document make it seem less extreme and allows me to think about it more rationally. Once I have my problem written out, I allow myself to think about possible solutions. Sometimes, thinking about solutions in my head is not enough, and I need to see it on paper so that the solutions feel more accessible or real. Writing has often allowed me to open up my mind and think more profoundly about various things.


  1. When I'm stressed out, nothing helps me more than just writing. Just spilling every single little thought or worry I'm having out on the page and it just feels better. That feeling when you run out of words and worries to write down is amazing. You feel free and unburdened and things seem a lot more manageable. I don't know what it is about writing stuff down, but it really seems to help.

    1. I agree, writing until you feel like you have nothing more to say is one of the best feelings. Writing is so calming and you really feel a sense of peace when you're able to just write out everything you're feeling on a page.

  2. I agree with your view. Seeing situations on paper is almost like having a third person perspective on the situation. If you're able to write all of your feelings onto a topic out into a Word Document (or a piece of paper) it allows you to see how deeply an event has truly affected you. For me writing everything out onto a piece of paper is just as beneficial as talking to a peer about it. You, then, can analyze it for yourself and find out the correct solution.

    1. Exactly, writing can be just like talking to someone in person, without worrying about being judged because of what you are thinking. I know I have overcome many of my problems through writing them down and thinking about them more clearly.

  3. Do you mean writing can help us to arrange our thoughts and then have a further and deeper thinking? I'm wondering will you sometimes feel that you want to write something but cannot write with the proper words to describe your feelings. I myself feel cannot think of the things sometimes when writing.

    1. Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Sometimes thinking using only my head is not helpful for me. I find that I come across a solution to my problem easier and faster if I write it out.

  4. Writing has that same effect on me. When I right down my feelings and emotions they tend to seem less extreme than I thought they were. When this happens it makes me feel better. This is a great way to let out your feelings and write down your problems especially if it helps you solve them.
